About Us

This site is dedicated to all who want to follow Christ in a closer relationship and become a true disciple of Jesus Christ.

If you have a burning desire to change your life and become all that God wants you to be, this site is for you! Many people in these times feel discouraged, burned out, in a bad relationship, addicted, ill-prepared, financially depleted, or just plain lost. Some seek fulfillment in the world and end up with an emptiness that cannot be satisfied.

Life can and will dramatically change for you if you get on the right path of an upward journey, even in the most challenging circumstances. Sometimes, all it takes is an adjustment here, a change of worldview there, and a fresh encounter with the One who gives us eternal water to satisfy our thirsty souls.

In these most difficult days, we must prepare in all areas of our lives: mind, body, and soul: physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and socially. Unless we’re ready for change and a new encounter with God, we will not be able to engage in the life God has for us.

I am ready, able, and willing to meet with you and discuss a new road map to life change. I can draw up a clear purpose and plan so that you may navigate a fresh journey that will forever change your life and trajectory. I have helped countless others over the years; I can help you as well.

Yours in Christ,
David J Giammona

Contact me today at giammonadj@hotmail.com